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"In order to be used by GOD you have to really be used .  You know we always want to for the Glory of GOD but that's not being used.  Sometimes in order to be used , you have to be humiliated.  You have to be humiliated sometimes. You have to be kicked and beaten..."   
                                                                            -Lauryn Hill

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11, then 27-year-old, Detroit-native, had no idea how this was applied to her as she entered into an overwhelming season of hardship.  

"These pins are my testimony: My struggles, truth, tears, pain, losses, ups & downs, celebrations ,& more.  My journey with GOD is in every design, making QueenPin greater than a 'business'.  It's about bringing as many people to Christ as possible.  It's about encouraging the Believer & non-Believer to have Faith.  Not just to' jump up and receive a blessing, but Faith in the transforming abilities of GOD's word in your life."


After a two year sabbatical, Keerie (now 35), returns with many life changes, testimonies, and a greater zeal to encourage others through Christ Jesus. 

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